March Forth and Conquer

Every month, I set intentions. I take lessons learned from the month before and use those to show myself that growth, learning, and progress are possible.

January Intentions
- Eat vegetables 7 days a week
- Eat a piece of fruit a day
- Drink 64 ounces of water a day
- Go outside twice a day and take a walk for 20 minutes each time
- Read 3 books this month

Here’s what I learned in January… I am not good in the New England cold, so the walks and outdoor time, didn’t go the way I intended. Vegetables and fruits are amazing, but once you start to rationalize that tomato sauce and pineapple on your pizza count as your fruit and veggie intake, you should probably reassess this goal. 64 ounces of water is a good goal, and no, coffee does not count. You work a lot, and you like watching TV, so maybe you can still read - just, not a book a week.

February Intentions
- Cook more vegetarian meals at home
- Eat 3 bananas a week
- Drink 64 ounces of water a day
- Go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air twice a day
- When you take Lizzie The Dog out for a walk in the morning, leave your headphones at home and talk to her instead. People will think you’re weird, but she’s going to love it
- Don’t complain about headaches when you haven’t eaten all day. Instead, eat something
- Read 1 book a month

Here’s what I learned in February… I love to cook. I knew this before, and this month I realized how calm, productive, and full my heart and body feel when I am making something. Keep this intention, it is now a habit and part of your life. Bananas are great, you’re crushing this intention. It’s a habit now, nice work. You’re still drinking more coffee than water, drink more water please. Fresh air, fresh perspective, you didn’t do this every day, and you felt better by miles on the days you did. Lizzie The Dog loves it when you talk to her on walks, keep it up. DEAR GOD PLEASE EAT SOMETHING - work will always be there, stop eating Doritos and fruit snacks and make yourself a sandwich or a bowl of soup! You’re technically reading 4 books a month, unsure if historical romance novels were your intention here, but you’re definitely reading which is wonderful.

March Intentions
- Drink water, please
- Call your friends more.
- Take longer walks with Lizzie The Dog. This also means you have to get up earlier in the morning
- Skin care is the name of the game
- Don’t tie your hair up so much, you’re finally growing it out, give your roots an opportunity to rest
- Finish 1 art project
- Read whatever makes you happy, as long as you finish 1 book a month

Here’s what I’ve learned 4 days into March… intentions are adjustable, they are set by you for you, and you get to decide how they morph and change. Seltzer water counts as water. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day, start again in the morning. Just… march forth and conquer.


It Comes In Threes